Sonntag, 25. März 2007

What is the problem?

Patient: Hello Doc.
Doctor: Hello! What is the problem?
Patient: I am ill. I have stomach ache.
Doctor: Oh, I'm sorry but I'm a dentist. Please open your mouth.

Okay, this short story should be an example for what we did last english lesson.
At the beginning we spent almost an hour to discus what can happen when you need a doctor abroad.
We talked about some problems with no english speaking repectionist when we need a doctor. Furthermore we discussed about the symptons that can be a sign of special illnesses, espeacially the symptoms of heart attacs.
For these cases some helpful vocabularies.

This means you can not stop sitting on the bathroom thorne. OR
A condition in which faeces are discharged from the bowels frequently and in a liquid form.

This means you enjoy your lunch twice. OR
Eject matter from the stomach through the mouth.

Go out without clothes and jump into danube at this time and I'm sure you will get to know what a cold is. OR
A common infection in which the mucous membrane of the nose and throat becomes inflamed, causing running at the nose and sneezing.

Somebody call it dancing a call it trembling. OR
shake involuntarily, typically as a result of anxiety, excitement, or frailty

The symptomes for a "DOCTOR NOW!" call.
  • Pressure on my chest
  • Can't get enough air
  • My arm is numb (or was it bum)
  • A pain in the left arm
After this short intruction in the World of Medicine we listened to a presentation of the less-haired Dude, also know as Brad or Werner Pitt. The presentation dealed with "Compound Addectives"
We learned that a compound addectives is mostly used for the describtion of personal appearance or person's character.
Werner did a real good job. Well done, Dude.

Afterwards we had a look at the blogs that we wrote last week, especially Miris, Jürgen and mine.

Then we made some exercises form our course book.
And finally we got our homework.

Okay, I am going to bed now.

Dienstag, 20. März 2007

No Milk today.

What have I learned in the last english lecture on Saturday!?
First of all I have definite realised that my level of the knowledge of the English language is not so high than the level on the rest of my colleagues.
The conclusion of this lesson is I should try to find a way to reach the level of the class captains as soon as possible. HOW? – This is just the 1.000.000 Dollar question.

A another important point what I learned, was that “Unfortunately” will never use in a positive context (Exceptions proves the rule, but I think in minute :o) cases).

Last but not least, I have to mention the perfect presentation of suffixed nouns by my wonderful colleague Niki/Claudia.

Now I know that many suffixes exists and if you learn a new word don't forget the suffix and also the prefix, so you will expand (EXPANSION [noun]) your vocabulary faster and easier.

And now for something completely different. Not completely but almost completely

Outside Class-room English:
Yesterday, I attend a reading by one of the best thriller author all over the thriller world: Mr. Jeffery Deaver. He was reading from his new book – “The cold moon”.
I was very surprised from this man. He looks like a college professor and he showed us a big sense for humour.
By reading his books, I thought he is a smart serious ex-cop or something like that. Doesn’t matter, I bought the new book and he has signed it, of course. But, unfortunately I have no time to read it yet.

Freitag, 9. März 2007

Hello Blog-World

I have no idea what I should do but I do it.

Well, let us start.
I'am newbie in the world of blogs and therefore I would like to apologise me for all lapses that I surely create.

I have to admit that the some blogs are really interesting.
So I found a blog about "Frank Miller", my favourit comic writer and illustrator respectively. There is a perfect summary of his work and also a foresight to coming project.
For me was absolutly interesting to see the man behind this marvellous drawings and storys.
The Url of this blog is:
Searching for Frank Miller.

Later on I will more report of me discovery journey in the world of blogs.