Freitag, 21. September 2007


you observe not only the written law but also the unwritten law and social rules for a peaceful coexistence.

the opposite of honest.

If the king die will his son or daughter heir the throne.

petty cash box
a small cashier box

An informant. Who uncovers hidden scandals.

to respect all laws and regulations.

An illegal benefit

a slush fund
Often the fund what is covering the financial bribe.

a con artist
a thief who steals in support of disreputable tricks.

a fraudster
A con artist whith more money.

Ethics was the topic in the 2nd English lecture after the very short summer break, again.

To classify the “world” into honest and dishonest was our first exercise.

After them we discuss the headline of an Austrian newspaper: “The conservative Austrian governing party starts an ethic debate”. The cause of this ethic debate was the demonstration against a build-up of an Islamic centre in the 20. district of Vienna. The demonstration was planned from a civil initiative but as the demonstration took place, has it taken over by a xenophobic political party, which stands on the very right political side. The leader of this party was very close to groups which have been endorsed the Nazi ideology as he was young.

This demonstration and the slogans which there sung from a group was big shame for Austria.

The weekly presentation was hold by Werner and dealt with “Homos”.

It dealt with English homophones and homographs words more precisely.

Homographs are words which have the same spelling but the meaning is also different. Werner has brought up the example of the word “live”. “I live in vienna" and “Guns and Roses WAS the best live band ever”, but this is a myth. Metallica was better on live stage. Another example was "bathing the baby" and "No bathing".

Homophones are words which have same pronunciation but a different meaning. Werner has shown us the example "break" and "brake".
Other examples are “night” and “knight”, “son” and “sun”, “sail” and “sale”, “air” and “heir”.

Homework: Page 96 / Exercise A,B,C,D

A) (Without listening)

e) The R&D department tested the product.
d) We launched the product.
h) The product sold well.
g) People started to complain.
a) The newspapers asked questions.
f) The number of complaints doubled.
b) We recalled the product.
c) The company lost a lot of money

B) (With listening)

e) The R&D department tested the product.
d) We launched the product.
h) The product sold well.
g) People started to complain.
a) The newspapers asked questions.
f) The number of complaints doubled.
b) We recalled the product.
c) The company lost a lot of money


1) A Face cleaning product
2) The product was burning the Skin, caused red marks on face.


a) (Past simple) Well, so what was the problem?
b) (Past continuous) I mean, it was going really well.
c) (Past perfect) You see, we’d tested it for over six months, and, you know, there’d been no bad reaction to it.
d) (Present perfect) Since then, we’ve kept away from skin-care products.

Weekly outside classroom activity:

I am reading the comic-book “The Dark Tower”, based on a novel by Stephen King.

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