What are the most important innovations for you in your daily life? Think about the followings areas?
A mobile phone is the most practical innovation in the daily life.
You could call the mother of your daughter’s friend after watching Ratatouille, if she does not find the way to the right cinema.
The railjet train. It is a high speed train adapted for the curvaceous rails in
Home entertainment:
I think the DVD-Player makes the life much easier. It was horrible to find a good scene in movie with the old video recorder. I can not count how often I had to press the forward and the rewind button to find the correct position. Unbelievable.
The innovator of the microwave has earned the Nobel price from my point of view. The microwave has saved my life as I moved out from the hotel “mother.”
We should not forget the contact lenses.
Which was the most important innovation for the last century?
1923 – Traffic signal
Which was the most useful?
1956 - TV remote control
Which was the most controversial innovation?
1997 – Dolly the sheep (The first mammal cloned form an adult cell)
And which was the most unpopular?
1994 – GM (genetically-modified) tomatoes.
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